2023 Uganda Mission
Could You Cups
Funding Goal: $2,000.00 -- Raised: $50.00

BLASTS is a 501(C)(3)
tax deductible ministry
Dear friends

We would love to have you partner with us in prayer and in sending us. We will also provide a way to help with the feeding programs and medical clinics and more.
2023 Uganda Mission
Could You Cups
Funding Goal: $2,000.00 -- Raised: $50.00
Over the past few years, we have learned the seriousness and reality of period poverty and want to be part of the solution. A woman on the average, pays $10 to $15 per month for menstrual supplies over a course of 35 years. In Africa and other impoverished areas that often means a woman or girl must make a choice between supplies or food. We have heard of girls who sell their bodies to get the extra money. Some can't afford the supplies and drop out of school, quit their jobs, or stay home one week of the month. We originally learned about reusable pads, which many organizations provide but we also learned that they could breed disease and contribute to illness if not washed and dried properly. They also use a lot of water to clean and in some areas, water is scarce. CouldYou is an FDA approved menstrual cup made of bio-degradable silicone. There are many positive reasons for the use of the cup to end poverty. They cost $10 each and are given to girls and women for free with mentorship. We will provide the initial training and connect the girls in the two communities we visit with the Could You team to receive a cup and the follow-up support. We have budgeted $2,000 for 2,000 cups that will reach 1,000 girls in each location. If we exceed this goal, we can reach more girls.

2023 Uganda Mission
Could You Cups
Other ways to send your donation are at the bottom.

Donation Amount: $
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Last Name
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Name on Credit Card:
Credit card number:
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Card's Security Code:
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If you would prefer send your donation, please send your check

BLASTS Ministries
1000 NW 180TH ST
Shoreline, WA 98177

  • Please make your check payable to: BLASTS Ministries
  • In the Memo, please print: "/Couldyoucups/Africa2023"
  • Careful not to print on the numbers under the Memo.
You may also ask Could You Cups to give your check to Kirk Reiten.

Last, If you would prefer banking, please use missions@blasts.org
  • In the Memo, please enter: "/Couldyoucups/Africa2023"
  • After sent, please email missions@blasts.org
  • with your name and address to get a tax receipt.