BLASTS is a 501(C)(3)
tax deductible ministry
2019's Mission was broad and wide.
2023's Mission is strategic and specific--like a laser!
Our goal this time is to take a 30-40 member team to the areas where the local pastors said we were not able to reach in 2019.
2023 Peru Mission
Dave Landshut
Funding Goal: $3,300.00 -- Raised: $3,300.00
From Jul 1st -- Jul 10th, 2023
In 2019 I went to Piura, Peru on a missions trip with Eastpointe Foursquare Church to bring clean water to four remote villages. Our team of five completed four wells. Now over 2,000 people have accessible, disease-free water right in the center of their village!
I AM GOING BACK, to PIURA, PERU. To be part of a strategic team providing clean water to those in need is not only a passion of mine but I believe in what it will do for the people! Clean water has proven to provide better health and saves lives.
One person can make a difference, but together we are changing lives. I would like to invite you to pray and consider giving me a one time donation. If you partner with me we will serve the Peruvians practical needs, hearts will be open to the gospel, and a nation changed forever.
I would like to thank you for your prayers and financial support. You and me partnering together commands a blessing. Together we are stepping out trusting God in His faithfulness. If you have any questions email