BLASTS is a 501(C)(3)
tax deductible ministry
We would love to have you partner with us in prayer and in sending us. We will also provide a way to help with the feeding programs, medical clinics and more.
2023 Uganda Mission
Medical Clinic Fund
Funding Goal: $1,000.00 -- Raised: $550.00
This year we are excited to be a part of medical clinics that will be done in the refugee camps. For many, medical care is beyond their ability to pay for so often even simple needs are not met by a medical professional. Any medial members on our team will partner with a local medical team that will volunteer their time to serve alongside of us. We are raising a minimum of $500 for each location to provide needed supplies and equipment for the 2-3 days of free medical services. We are also taking medical uniforms and some medical donations with up for the clinics. What an amazing way to share the love of Jesus. Every dollar helps and we so appreciate your partnering with us.