BLASTS is a 501(C)(3)
tax deductible ministry
We sends youth, young adults and adults all over the world to teach people with the love of Jesus.
Bringing Light and Sight To Society.
Peru 2024 Mission
Funding Goal: $16,040.00 -- Raised: $20026.37
From Aug 7th -- Aug 20th, 2024
This August we are taking a small, 9 member, seal team like, mission Team back to Peru. This assignment will be laser like. we will be ministering from the gifting of the people that are going with us. We’re taking teachers, several business people, disciples, carpenters, and multi layered talented people.
Because of that, we will be ministering to teachers, and businessman, women’s groups, youth, etc in Trujillo. We will also be ministering in several churches, parting with local pastors, doing pastors conferences, and identity ministries. We like to do missions by returning to the same places so that we can continue to build relationships and make what God is doing local, glocal.