BLASTS is a 501(C)(3)
tax deductible ministry
We would love to have you partner with us in prayer and in helping to provide the the vital food to allow people to be nourished as they come. We will also provide a way to help with the feeding programs and medical clinics.
2023 Uganda Mission
Food Fund
Funding Goal: $5,000.00 -- Raised: $2,550.00
As a team we want to provide food for those we teach and met with each day we are in the community. They can’t bring food to eat because of the lack of facilities, they don’t have fast food restaurants, and in rural areas do not have catering. We will provide the food which the local leaders will have prepared. We estimate $1000 per location at $200 per day.
The cost of $5,000 represents 15 lunches for all in attendance. If we exceed that goal we can purchase food for more lunches and purchase food they can have in the upcoming weeks following our time with them.